Working Groups Activities

Incident Response WG
To date there has been a focus on crisis management responses and BCP, from the viewpoint of incidents unique to cyber security. However the Incident Response WG promotes ongoing discussion concerning basic procedures and creation of manuals with the results to be shared among all members.
Cyber Security Exercise WG
The Cyber Security Exercise WG plans and operates the “Joint Cyber Exercises” conducted in cooperation with member companies and at the same time collects and shares its know-how and information gained through those exercises both in Japan and overseas.
Counter-Fraud Remittance WG
The Counter-Fraud Remittance WG is mainly involved in the collection and sharing of information concerning the latest trends in banking malware attacks, and considering best practice for countering fraudulent remittances.
Global Information Sharing WG
The Global Information Sharing WG, in cooperation with US FS-ISAC, aims to expand the scope of information sharing, conduct activities for localization (in Japanese language) by providing a variety of shared information.
Education WG
The Education WG is dedicated to ensuring and improving the skills base for the utilization of information shared by Financials ISAC Japan as well as providing the required knowledge and skill set for all persons in charge of security at financial institutions, and to the planning and holding of various study meetings.
Intelligence WG
The Intelligence WG, utilizing a variety of information sources, attempts to analogize and predict trends in attacks, and attack methods, etc. that may occur in the immediate future, and in addition meets to consider and discuss the preparation and construction of effective defense systems.
Best Practice WG
The Best Practice WG is focused upon cyber security strategies at financial institutions, based upon each member company’s know-how and knowledge, and compiles “Practical real efforts” to promote the best practice.
Vulnerability Response WG
The Vulnerability Response WG focuses on product program system physical devices, and considers vulnerability responses. Further this WG promotes information sharing and cooperation among members concerning vulnerabilities and compiles the same.
FinTech Security WG
Under FinTech, being a new term coined to mean new financial technology and its use methods, the FinTech Security WG considers risk security and strengthening prevention measures. In addition the WG aims for increased cooperation with related bodies and FinTech corporations.
AKC (Active Knowledge Center) WG
AKC WG focuses on resolving problems in the small or middle size FIs suchas community banks.The methodology to resolve problems would meet their needs and fit the riskin the cyberspace among them.WG member will go everywhere in Japan ASAP if they are needed, to supportthem flexibly and concretely.
Security Operation Advancement WG
To develop tools, programs, etc. that are useful for improving the sophistication and efficiency of cyber security operations, and to provide them to all members. In addition, to increase the number of human resources capable of in-house production of tools and programs through the activities, and to create an environment in which financial institutions can operate on their own.
NextGeneration WG
The goal is to lower the hurdles to participation in ISAC activities and to promote the benefits of ISAC mutual aid more widely by stimulating more "people and information" exchanges.
Internal Audit WG
Plan and implement activities to realize "Advancement of Iinternal Audits" focusing on information security and cyber security perspectives.
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